David Maisel, the founder of Marvel Studios, made his first public appearance at the Consensus 2023 festival since selling Marvel to Disney 10 years ago.
Maisel spoke about the early days of Marvel Studios, which was self-funded and independent from Hollywood’s main production houses. He compared those early days to the early days of Web3 and how the two share similarities.
Maisel recently launched Mythos Studios, which released the Ekos Genesis Art Collection earlier this month. The project features original art from Michael Turner and Peter Steigerwald, two late comic book artists who are known for their work across Marvel and DC comics. The collection is being sold through a Dutch auction that starts on May 2nd.
Maisel spoke about the importance of art and how it can cut through the noise and distractions in our lives. He said that for something new to break through, there needs to be a visual identity and a primal feeling from it, and art does that for him.
He also spoke about the joy of Web3 and digital art, and how it can be shared more easily than traditional art.
Despite the turbulence in the NFT market over the last six months, Maisel believes that there is underlying value in art that goes beyond prices. He said that the question of “why” comes from the same seed that was in him for Marvel, and he wouldn’t be able to do Web3 if he didn’t have that same passion.
Marvel Web3
Overall, Maisel’s appearance at Consensus 2023 was an opportunity for him to share his vision for Mythos Studios and the Ekos Genesis Art Collection. He spoke about the importance of art and its ability to cut through the noise in our lives.
He also highlighted the joy of Web3 and digital art and the potential for it to be shared more widely. With the Dutch auction starting on May 2nd, it will be interesting to see how successful the Ekos Genesis Art Collection is and what it means for the future of digital art.